I really like Black Box, sometimes I feel like people forget that one character cannot portray all the different variations of Bipolar, while I may identify strongly with Catherine, someone else may adamantly disagree saying, she displays none of the symptoms of which they suffer through. Some may say, everything goes too fast in her illness, but there is only a small time slot for each episode. In some aspects it may glorify the illness, but I tend to disagree, she is obviously at war with her symptoms when confides in her therapist. Although it may seem more trouble than it’s worth I completely understand where she is coming from when she hates or skips taking medication. Yeah, she has copious amounts of sex with strangers, but don’t you see the detrimental effects of these actions? Only short lived pleasure and a baby she can’t even call her own daughter. A relationship where her partner feels the need to retaliate because her actions. Actually, her boyfriend even starts to say he likes the way she is when she is manic, which I can relate to in a sense, like when some of my friends say I’m much more fun when being reckless, and obviously the words of encouragement towards the disease won’t help anyone. Catherine has major underlying issues because of her mother with a mental illness, was her mother glorified? Catherine does not only do great things when she is manic, most of time the spent in the hospital is when she is relatively stable. Does medication take away from her ability to succeed as a doctor? No. In all honestly, her mental illness does help her empathize with patients in the hospital, but her lack of responsibility to manage her illness does not make her great. I don’t see the show trying to glorify it.

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