Guys I just finished the Grimm season finale and I am so excited for next season....
Grimm extends to a fourth season! But, our hero, Nick, is a grimm no more after Adalind took his power in a sexiest way possible.

Anyway, before thinking how Nick’s life will go after this, let me give you this list. A list of things I find entertaining about this mystery-horror tv series.

Weird Creature
The Wesen (“vessin”). Some of them are really terrifying, some are just purely crazy: An aggressive Blutbad, a cute Fuchsbau, a deceiving Hexenbiest, and a bastard son of a witch and a royal, Zauberbiest. See? A variety of them makes us wonder, is Juliette the only character who is neither a cop or a mythological creature?

Dealing with the mystery of these wesens would be really boring. Thanks to Monroe, Sgt Wu, and Bud who give us a laugh in the middle of action scenes.

The Couples
Nick-Juliette, newly wed Monroe-Rosalee, and Sean Renard- Adalind Schade. They are all in love but because the crazy world they are in, this love is most often out of the script. But at least they give us a taste of sweetness once in a while, in different ways.
Grimm extends to a fourth season! But, our hero, Nick, is a grimm no more after Adalind took his power in a sexiest way possible.

Anyway, before thinking how Nick’s life will go after this, let me give you this list. A list of things I find entertaining about this mystery-horror tv series.

Weird Creature
The Wesen (“vessin”). Some of them are really terrifying, some are just purely crazy: An aggressive Blutbad, a cute Fuchsbau, a deceiving Hexenbiest, and a bastard son of a witch and a royal, Zauberbiest. See? A variety of them makes us wonder, is Juliette the only character who is neither a cop or a mythological creature?

Dealing with the mystery of these wesens would be really boring. Thanks to Monroe, Sgt Wu, and Bud who give us a laugh in the middle of action scenes.

The Couples
Nick-Juliette, newly wed Monroe-Rosalee, and Sean Renard- Adalind Schade. They are all in love but because the crazy world they are in, this love is most often out of the script. But at least they give us a taste of sweetness once in a while, in different ways.
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